Helping you get the right answer to your training needs is our job. If we can't provide the answer you can be sure we'll know who can.
So, whatever the question, fill out the form and we'll get back to you.

    About Morthyng

    Morthyng Vocational College is an independent training provider and registered charity offering 16-18 study programmes in the towns of Rotherham, Birkenhead, Warrington, Corby and Rugby.

    We are a not for profit organisation that places the learner at the centre of everything that we do.

    Our alternative style provision works closely with local authorities to place young people in an environment best suited to help them attain the qualifications and skills to help them achieve their career aspirations.

    We aim to create a caring and safe environment that offers high quality vocational training along with support, guidance, pastoral care, work placements and enrichment activity regardless of your background or the current stage of your career journey. Please contact us to find out more, arrange a visit or to apply for a place. Please click here