Helping you get the right answer to your training needs is our job. If we can't provide the answer you can be sure we'll know who can.
So, whatever the question, fill out the form and we'll get back to you.



    What is a Bursary?

    A bursary is a weekly payment made to a student to support them to attend and engage in their education programme. This can be used for things like transport and lunch on the days that you are in centre and possibly for equipment and clothing if these are neccessary for your course.


    Am I Eligible?

    The criteria as to if and how much you will receive will be set out within the bursary application pack. Your student support officer will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have and to help you complete the form.


    How do I Apply?

    All students whoo enrol on a 16-19 Study Programme are invited to apply for a bursary by completing a Morthyng Bursary Application Form.

    Please see your student support officer if your have not yet received a form. The pack will contain a guide on how to complete and what evidence is required from you, your parents or guardian.

    We will give you all the support that you require to enable you to begin receiving your bursary payments as soon as possible, including helping you to set up a bank account and guiding you through the whole process.

    For more detailed information please visit:


    When and how will it be paid?

    • You will receive your payment on a weekly basis*
    • Your bursary payment will go directly into your bank account. Please don’t worry if you don’t currently have an account, we will help you to set one up.

    *Bursary payments may be reduced or stopped if you do not attend or engage in your planned programme and lessons.