Helping you get the right answer to your training needs is our job. If we can't provide the answer you can be sure we'll know who can.
So, whatever the question, fill out the form and we'll get back to you.

    Morthyng Group Limited has devised this general complaints procedure to provide an official complaint route for Learners and their employers.

    Stage 1

    The Learner should initially raise their complaint verbally with their Employer, Assessor or Tutor. If the complaint is not resolved within seven working days then the Learner should proceed to stage 2.

    Stage 2

    If the complaint is not resolved to the Learner’s satisfaction, they should complete the complaints form, found here and return this to the Group Director of Operations at the address below –

    Morthyng Group Limited
    North Grove House
    South Grove
    S60 2AF

    The Group Director of Operations will investigate the complaint fully arranging independent interviews with all parties relevant to the complaint and advise the Chief Executive of the complaint and the investigation outcome. This process should take no longer than seven working days.

    Stage 3

    The Group Director of Operations will review the complaint. The Group Director of Operations will then prepare a report relating to the complaint and inform all parties of the action that will be taken. The Group Director of Operations will report the matter to the Senior Leadership team chaired by the Chief Executive. This process should take no longer than seven working days.

    Stage 4

    If the Learner is dissatisfied with the outcome, they must put their complaint in writing to the Chief Executive within seven days of the meeting with the Group Director of Operations.