Helping you get the right answer to your training needs is our job. If we can't provide the answer you can be sure we'll know who can.
So, whatever the question, fill out the form and we'll get back to you.


    We offer tailor-made Study Programmes for 16 to 18-year-olds (or 19+ with an EHC plan). Our courses are designed to provide you with a flexible and challenging learning programme that helps you develop the skills and achieve the qualifications that you need to help you on your way to your desired career path.

    Our Study Programmes are individually tailored and can combine the elements below:

    • A variety of vocation qualifications from entry level to level 3
    • Bespoke Employability Skills courses
    • BTEC Sports Qualifications at level 2 and 3
    • Work Experience Placements with local employers
    • Work Preparation Qualification
    • Functional Skills English
    • Functional Skills Maths
    • Digital Media
    • GCSE Maths and English
    • Enrichment Activity
    • Life skills
    • Work behaviours and attitudes development

    You will have a personalised, flexible programme of study planned out for you at the start of your programme. This is decided in the first few weeks and will depend on your starting point, career aspirations, and your prior achievements at school or college. The length of your programme will also depend on these factors.

    Work Experience

    We can offer work experience in a wide variety of employment sectors, and we will work with you to find a suitable work experience placement to help you explore future career goals and aspirations.

    Work experience or work-related activity will be a key element of your study programme and will be planned with you to take account of your needs and interests.

    Work-related activity includes work tasters, running a student enterprise, participation in social action, or a work placement at a local employer. We aim to give you the opportunity to develop your career choices, get a first taste of work, and develop employability skills in real working conditions. At the appropriate time you are expected to undertake work experience or work-related training as part of your programme.


    Our programmes come with the opportunity to apply for a weekly bursary to assist you with travel and other costs associated with the programme. Your dedicated student support officer will supply you with an application form at your induction.

    Education, Health & Care Plan

    At Morthyng we aim to provide training and education for all who can benefit from it, including those with an Education, Health & Care Plan. In our centres all learners are of equal value and we seek to promote positive attitudes towards diversity and to eliminate discrimination.

    If you have an EHC Plan or disability and you would like to know more about what we offer at Morthyng Vocational College, please email us at

    At Morthyng Vocational College your can study towards a wide variety of career paths.

    The qualifications that we deliver include but are not limited to the following areas and generally range from Entry Level to Level 2.

    Construction Sport Business Admin Digital Media Retail
    Customer Service ICT Works Skills Vocational Studies Traineeships
    GCSE Maths & English Functional Skills
    Maths & English
    Childcare Health and Social Care Hair & Beauty

    Please contact us today to find out more or to secure your place.

      Date of Birth:

      Nearest Centre:

      Do you have an EHCP?

      Please select up to 3 courses you would be interested in: